What the science says about cell phone radiation

Dr. Nenos Damerchie
5 min readJan 7, 2020
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

You may have heard by now that you should be holding your cell phone away from your body when it’s being used. When I learned about the possible toxic effects of cell phone use over 10 years ago, I began making and receiving calls by placing it on speaker mode and holding it away from my body. I knew the research back then was mostly inconclusive and primarily industry-funded. The few studies that were performed on humans were flawed in their design and at best showed a weak association, and not necessarily causation. But as a precaution I began to take certain measures because after all, who wants to develop brain tumors?!

A number of the viral videos on-line about the topic turned out to be myths. Remember watching the video of a corn kernal popping when a cell phone was place next to it? It may have generated millions of views but ended up being a hoax. But what does actual research say these days? Here’s what we know.

The facts about radiation

Radiation may sound like a scary word at first. It is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. (1) As a health professional I’ve heard it all from the potential dangers of microwaves to regular X-rays and even flying in an airplane. We are exposed to radiation all the time. As…



Dr. Nenos Damerchie

TV health expert, writer and proud Chiropractor in #HamOnt. Passionate about health advocacy and freedom of choice.